Green Millen Shores

Urban Solutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. is the authorized planning consultant for LPF Realty Residential Inc. who own the property municipally known as 101 Shoreview Place in Stoney Creek.

In 2010, Council for the City of Hamilton approved the Green Millen Shore subdivision that applied the Multiple Residential “RM5-7” Zone for the property. This site specific zone category permitted a narrowly defined range of residential uses at a time when the final proposed built form was not known.

At this time, the owner, in cooperation with New Horizon Homes, proposes two multi-residential unit buildings, having a height of 6 storeys and 468 units together with 11 townhouse units.

To accommodate the proposed use, amendments to the Zoning By-law and Official Plan were required. Hamilton City Council passed Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment No. 46 (By-law 16-038) and Zoning By-law No. 16-039 on February 10th, 2016.

After obtaining approval for the proposed use, a Site Plan Control application was submitted by UrbanSolutions on behalf of the owner and applicant in March 2016.

The purpose of this website is to provide interested parties with access to the proposed development application details and access to participate in the planning application process.


As many of the technical studies relating to the development of the lands was considered and approved via the Green Millen Shore subdivision, the supporting documentation for this proposal was limited to the detailed Concept Plan and Draft Zoning By-law.

Additional materials that can be reviewed included the Notice of Complete Application, the Green Millen Shore Registered Plan of Subdivision and an Aerial of the subject lands.


Your involvement in this application process is welcomed and encouraged. The public participation process for any development application is prescribed by the Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O., c. P.13.

For details on how to formally participate in the planning process, please refer to the Notice of Complete Application.

You can also feel free to contact us directly at [email protected]