Lathrop Nature Preserve

Project Description

The subject property is located at the north-west of the Highway 20 and Pelham Street intersection, bounded by Haist Street to the west and an existing agricultural operation to the north. The property is approximately 24.5 ha (60.5 acres) in area. The lands are currently used as the Pelham Nature Preserve; a conservation area located at the headwaters of Twelve Mile Creek with a recreational trail that extends from Pelham Street into the property along an abandoned rail corridor. UrbanSolutions provided expert testimony in support of a Niagara Escarpment Commission Development Permit at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in 2023.

The recreational trails located within the nature preserve follow an abandoned rail corridor. Along one section of the trail, two anthropogenic ponds have been created as a result of the previous railway embankment that has acted as a dam to the headwaters of Twelve Mile Creek. The specific project area for which the development permit applies is located near the centre of the Lathrop Nature Preserve property and is inclusive of the railway berm and the two existing anthropogenic ponds.

The proposed work contemplated by the development permit is a project by the Nature Conservancy of Canada with assistance from Trout Unlimited Canada. The restoration project was initiated to contribute towards decreasing water temperatures in the Twelve Mile Creek cold-water habitat, improve the long-term stability of the former railway berm and maintain safe long-term public access on the railway embankment. The proposed restoration works include realigning the watercoursearound both ponds to generally take the ponds offline, reducing the water levels by 1.0 metre (lower pond) and 0.3 metres (upper pond) and thereby reducing the associated pressure on the embankments.

The restoration works require a 3.0 metre wide access route for machinery as well as two temporary construction staging and laydown areas at the property entrance at Haist Street and near the upper pond. No mature tree removal will be required to accommodate the access route or staging area with the exception of dead ash which will be removed at the staging area near the pond. To mitigate the construction disturbances to the area, trees, vegetative plantings and native seed mixes will be applied to the project area following construction. The staging area at the Haist Street entrance will be restored to an upland meadow habitat, while the staging area adjacent to the upper pond will be restored to a forest community.


Nature Conservancy of Canada

Lathrop Nature Preserve Pond Restoration Project

Project Details

Location: 1590 Pelham Street 

Category: Recreational 

Status: Completed