
UrbanSolutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. is the authorized planning consultant acting on behalf of 1349010 Ontario Inc., the owner of 121 Vansitmart Avenue, Hamilton.
The proposal for the subject property will consist of 40 back to back townhouse dwellings and 1 single detached dwelling on the lot to be severed fronting onto Tragina Avenue. The proposal will include 26 visitor parking spaces (including 1 barrier free) and 2 spaces per townhouse dwelling. Additionally, the concept proposal includes acquiring the 3.658m alleyway abutting the north property line of the property to be used in favor of the City for an easement.
To facilitate this proposal, applications were submitted to the City of Hamilton on June 19th of 2017, to amend the Urban Hamilton Official Plan and Zoning By-Law No. 6593.
It is important to understand, the initial concept plan submitted on June 27, 2016 comprised of 62 townhouse units and 2 single detached dwellings has been formally replaced with this current submission.
Prior to submitting the Official Plan Amendment and revised Zoning By-law Amendment to the City of Hamilton, the following reports have been completed and/or updated and submitted to the City to reflect the revised proposal: Concept Plan, Planning Justification Report Addendum, Revised Functional Servicing Report, Revised Noise & Vibration Study, Transportation Demand Management Memo, Public Consultation Strategy, and a Proposed Crash Barrier Report.
Copies of the reports are available for you to review.
August 19, 2015 – A Formal Consultation meeting was held to consider a concept plan prepared by Doherty Planning & Design (FC-15-056).
June 27, 2016 – An application for a Zoning By-law Amendment was submitted to the City of Hamilton (ZAC-16-046).
February 21, 2017 – UrbanSolutions participated in an information meeting with the assistance of Councillor Sam Merulla to present a revised concept to area residents.
June 19, 2017 – Applications for an Official Plan Amendment Application and a Revised Zoning By-Law Amendment submitted to the City of Hamilton.
July 19, 2017 – Official Plan application deemed complete.
June 5, 2018 – Statutory Public Meeting, 71 Main Street West, Council Chambers, Hamilton.
June 27, 2018 – City of Hamilton Council approved the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment.
Your involvement in this application process is welcomed and encouraged. The public participation process for any development application is prescribed by the Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O., c. P.13.
For details on how to formally participate in the planning process, please refer to the Notice of Complete Application or contact City of Hamilton Planner Daniel Barnett at [email protected] or 905-546-2424 ext. 4445
Also feel free to contact UrbanSolutions directly at [email protected] or 905-546-1087.
Resource Downloads
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application Cover Letter
Official Plan Amendment Application Form
Concept Plan
Revised Concept Plan
Planning Justification Report Addendum
Preliminary Noise and Vibration Study
Preliminary Proposed Crash Barrier Report
Public Consultation Strategy Guidelines
Transportation Demand Management Memo
Functional Servicing Stormwater Management Report
Notice of Complete Application
Site Plan
Building Elevations for Site Plan