Beverly Hills Apartments

UrbanSolutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. is the authorized planning consultant acting on behalf of Main Carling Investments Ltd., the owner of 644 Main Street West.

The proposed development entails an 18 storey residential apartment building on the undeveloped portion of the subject property. The building will consist of a one storey podium for 73 parking spaces, and a 17 storey tower for 167 residential units. Indoor amenity space will be provided in the first level of the tower and outdoor amenity space will be provided on the rooftop of the podium. An additional 23 surface parking spaces will also be provided on site. The existing 17 storey building on site containing 281 residential units will be maintained, along with the existing 299 parking spaces within the existing two level podium. The existing surface parking spaces will be removed.

To facilitate this proposal, applications were submitted to the City of Hamilton on March 31st of 2017, to amend the Urban Hamilton Official Plan and Zoning By-Law No. 6593.

The purpose of this website is to provide interested parties with access to the proposed development application details, supporting studies and access to participate in the planning process.


Prior to submitting applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to the City of Hamilton, the development concept participated in the City’s Formal Consultation process. Through this process, the required studies and reports to facilitate a complete application were identified. The following reports have been completed and submitted to the City in support of the proposal: Survey, Concept Plan, Concept Elevations, Planning Justification Report, Tree Protection Plan, Functional Servicing Report, Urban Design Brief, Noise Feasibility Study, Pedestrian Wind Assessment, Transportation Impact and Parking Justification Report, Archaeological Assessment, Public Consultation Strategy, and a Right of Way Impact Assessment.

Copies of the reports are available for you to review.


April 28, 2017 – Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments deemed completed by the City of Hamilton

March 31, 2017 – Applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted to the City of Hamilton


Your involvement in this application process is welcomed and encouraged. The public participation process for any development application is prescribed by the Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O., c. P.13.

For details on how to formally participate in the planning process, please refer to the Notice of Complete Application.

Also feel free to contact UrbanSolutions Planners at [email protected] or 905-546-1087.