Village Centre

UrbanSolutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. is the authorized planning consultant acting on behalf of Parkside Hills Inc., the owner of 609 & 615 Hamilton Street North, 3 Nisbet Boulevard, and 129-137 Truedell Circle.

The proposal for the subject property entails a multi-lot residential development for 54 units, consisting of 2 semi-detached units, 14 townhouse units, and 38 back-to-back townhouse units. A future Common Element Condominium will establish a shared private road which 37 units will front onto and will include 12 visitor parking spaces. The remaining 17 units will front onto municipal right-of-ways.

To facilitate this proposal, applications were submitted to the City of Hamilton on December 23rd of 2016, to amend the Urban Hamilton Official Plan and Zoning By-Law and to create a Draft Plan of Subdivision.

The purpose of this website is to provide interested parties with access to the proposed development application details, supporting studies and access to participate in the planning process.



Prior to submitting applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision to the City of Hamilton, the development concept participated in the City’s Formal Consultation process. Through this process, the required studies and reports to facilitate a complete application were identified. The following reports have been completed and submitted to the City in support of the proposal: Survey, Concept Plan & Elevations, Planning Justification Report, Urban Design Report, Archaeological Assessment, Tree Protection Plan, Stormwater Management Report, Functional Servicing Report, Hydraulic Report, Noise Impact Study, Transportation Impact Study, Parking Analysis, and a Transportation Demand Management Report.

Copies of the reports are available for you to review.


March 9, 2016 – Formal Consultation meeting held with City of Hamilton (FC-16-022).

December 23, 2016 – Applications for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment and a Draft Plan of Subdivision were submitted to the City of Hamilton.

January 19, 2017 – Applications for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment and a Draft Plan of Subdivision were deemed complete by the City of Hamilton (UHOPA-17-03, ZAC-17-013, 25T-201702).

October 27, 2017 – Parkside Hill appeals applications to Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) for non-decision.

November 15, 2017 – the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) , now Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT), acknowledges receipt an appeal by the applicant for municipalities failure to make a decision within the prescribed time period outlined in the Planning Act (OLT-22-002305).

March 27, 2018 – Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Pre-hearing Confrence held (OLT-22-002305).

August 27, 2018 – Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) #2 Pre-hearing Confrence held (OLT-22-002305).

December 11, 2018 – Revised Concept Plan submitted to City of Hamilton “without prejudice”  in support of Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application.

March 6, 2019 – Public Neighbourhood Information Meeting held.

March 11, 2019 – Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) #3 Pre-hearing Confrence held (OLT-22-002305).

May 2021 – Revised Concept Plan submitted to City of Hamilton “without preudice” in support of Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application.

February 17, 2022 – Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearing (OLT-22-002305).

April 29, 2022 – Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) (formerly Ontario Municipal Board-OMB and Local Planning Appeal Tribunal -LPAT) Decision issued (OLT-22-002305).


Your involvement in this application process is welcomed and encouraged. The public participation process for any development application is prescribed by the Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O., c. P.13.

For details on how to formally participate in the planning process, please refer to the Notice of Complete Application or contact City of Hamilton Planner Greg Macdonald at [email protected] or 905-546-2424 ext. 4283.

Also feel free to contact UrbanSolutions Planners  directly at [email protected] or 905-546-1087