154 Wilson Street East

UrbanSolutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. is the authorized planning consultant acting on behalf of T. Valeri Construction Limited, c/o Valery Homes (the Owner) for the land municipally known as 154 Wilson Street East (subject lands). On behalf of the owner, our office has facilitated the submission of an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to redevelop the subject lands. The proposal entails developing the lands for ten (10) three-storey block townhouses, serviced by 40 parking spaces (4 spaces per unit) for a total density of 27 units per hectare.
The application was submitted to the City of Hamilton on November 16, 2018 and subsequently deemed complete on December 10, 2018.
The purpose of this website is to provide interested parties with access to the application details and supporting studies, and to provide an opportunity to participate in the planning process. Updates to the website will be provided throughout the planning process.
Prior to submitting applications to the City of Hamilton, our team participated in the City’s Formal Consultation process, where a version of the proposal was presented to City Staff for their review and comment. Through this process, it was determined the following reports and technical studies are required to facilitate a ‘complete’ application as defined by the Planning Act:
- Survey Plan;
- Concept Plan;
- Urban Design Report;
- Archaeological Assessment;
- Tree Management Plan;
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan;
- Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Report/Plan;
- Noise Impact Study;
- Sun/Shadow Study;
- Transportation Impact Study, Transportation Demand Management and Parking Study;
- Development Review Panel Submission; and,
- Public Consultation Strategy.
These reports have been completed and submitted to the City of Hamilton in support of the proposal and copies of the reports are available for you to review.
February 21, 2018 – Formal Consultation meeting held at the City of Hamilton.
November 16, 2018 – Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted to the City of Hamilton.
December 10, 2018 – Notice of Complete application received.
December 14, 2018 – Notice of Circulation to surrounding public.
December 3, 2019 – 2nd Submission in support of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment made to the City of Hamilton.
February 3, 2020 – 3rd Submission in support of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment made to the City of Hamilton.
September 11, 2020 – 4th Submission in support of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment made to the City of Hamilton.
December 18, 2020 – 5th Submission in support of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment made to the City of Hamilton.
December 12, 2021 – 6th Submission in support of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment made to the City of Hamilton.
March 30, 2022 – 7th Submission in support of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment made to the City of Hamilton.
Your involvement in this application process is welcomed and encouraged. The public participation process for any development application is prescribed by the Ontario Planning Act, R.S.O., c. P.13.
For details on how to formally participate in the planning process, please refer to the Notice of Complete Application or contact Planner James Van Rooi at [email protected] or 905-546-2424 ext. 4283.
Also feel free to contact UrbanSolutions directly at [email protected] or 905.546.1087.
Resource Downloads
Cover Letter
Application Form
Concept Plan
Draft Official Plan Amendment
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Planning Justification Report
Urban Design Brief
Public Consultation Strategy
Stage 1 – 2 Archaeological Assessment
Tree Protection Plan
Functional Servicing Report
Noise Impact Study
Sun Shadow Study
Transportation Impact Study
Formal Consultation Document
Architectural Package
Cover Letter (2nd Submission)
Architectural Drawings (2nd Submission)
Concept Plan (2nd Submission)
Draft Official Plan Amendment (2nd Submission)
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (2nd Submission)
Cover Letter (3rd Submission)
Landscape Architect Comment Response (3rd Submission)
Tree Management Plan (3rd Submission)
Cover Letter (4th Submission)
Tree Protection Plan (4th Submission)
Cover Letter (5th Submission)
Architectural Package (5th Submission)
Concept Plan (5th Submission)
Draft OPA & ZBA (5th Submission)
Landscape Plan & Tree Protection Plan (5th Submission)
Public Comment Response (5th Submission)
Renderings (5th Submission)
Cover Letter (6th Submission)
Concept Plan (6th Submission)
draft Zoning By-law (6th Submission)
Elevations (6th Submission)
Grading Plan (6th Submission)
Noise Study (6th Submission)
Planning Justification Report Addendum (6th Submission)
Servicing Plan (6th Submission)
Tree Protection Plan (6th Submission)
Urban Design Brief Addendum (6th Submission)
Cover Letter (7th Submission)
Landscape Architect Comment Response (7th Submission)
Tree Protection Plan (7th Submission)